January 15, 2011 - Randy's Birthday / The Return of Shoebox

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Recap by The Metal Wulf; I had a funny hunch that this night would be a little goofier than usual, as they are when somebody's birthday is creeping up. The birthday in question this time?


Yes, my birthday was on the 17th, so I was expecting some related fun. Truth is, I desperately attempted to beat around the bush when asked how old I was going to be. At first I was tempted to switch numbers around, but then I realized I'd only be making it worse...

But, yes, you're sometimes furry pal is now 45, and only occasionally feeling it!

I was very pleasantly surprised by a visitor that had been invited by Azkath. A previous regular on the show, Worm Quartet's Shoebox hadn't been in the studio in roughly five years. Understand, now, that my only exposure to Shoebox before Friday night, outside of briefly meeting him at a roller derby event, had been in the form of Best Of DVD's that Azkath had set me up with during my recovery from foot surgery. I spent a LOT of time laughing at many of the segments on those discs, and probably laughed loudest during any segment that featured Worm Quartet. (those are all available on the website by the way, free to watch and download!)

Now, Worm Quartet, for those who may be scratching their heads, is a one-man musical comedy act that has been featured very prominently on Dr. Demento, even garnering the honor of being that shows most requested artist for a couple of years. The material, I must say, is freakin' hilarious, and I strongly recommend it!

So, Azkath, Rick, and Joe were certainly no strangers to Shoebox, although there seemed to be some puzzlement as to where the rest of Shoebox was left. Seems the man has lost a substantial amount of weight, so it was a sleeker version that joined us in the studio. Truth be told, everybody was thrilled to have him back!

One of the funniest moments of the show that night came as we were preparing to play Worm Quartet's "The Ballad of Dr. Stopp". Shoebox was explaining the story behind the song, which is about a little procedure he had done. He was quite descriptive, actually, and the hilarious part is that the procedure wasn't really named in specific terms, although I'm pretty sure it wasn't too difficult to piece together! Azkath then made matters worse by asking even more detailed questions...

Dave Henninger from Spater had also dropped in, promoting an upcoming show his band has with Nine Round this weekend, and also to get the word out that bands submitting for this years' Fingerlakes Metal Fest should get them in soon, as time is runnin' out! That particular event will be in May, the weekend BEFORE Memorial Day, and The Metallic Onslaught will be on hand to emcee the show! Gonna be a great time!

Had a brief visit from Jeffie, who'd gotten hold of some Gold Bond powder, which promptly stank up the entire Stupid Room. Oddly enough, Azkath swears that he hasn't made another Jeffie to send our way, but if that wasn't Jeffie, who was it?

Hmmmm, could Azkath be pulling the wool over our eyes? Or could Jeffie have learned how to clone himself before I killed him the last time?

Seems we've got a bit of a mystery on our hands here...


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