July 3, 2010 - The Return of Lance

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Recap by The Metal Wulf; So, we weren't really expecting anybody as far as guests this week, pretty much figuring most of the focus would be on the music. Hey, it IS a radio show after all! But, unexpected things happen...
There were some technical difficulties in the early going, but thankfully we got them squared away in a somewhat timely manner. Be thankful you couldn't hear what was going on in the station in the first five to ten minutes or so, there would have been some interesting things heard as some of us explored our range of creative profanity. Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT bad, but it's just as well it didn't make it over the airwaves!

Probably the most unexpected event of the evening was the return of Lance! Yeah, you read that correctly, after a hiatus of about six months or so (some would suggest years, but that was all in good fun!) Lance dropped in to catch up with us. He was kind enough to share some recently acquired music, and true to form it was heavy on the 80's glam. Hey, no complaints here, for the most part. Although I think we could have done without that Heavy Pettin' song, and to be honest, that re-recording of Dokken's "Tooth And Nail" probably wasn't the greatest thing ever. Musically, pretty sound, but I think Don's vocals were much better the first time around!
All in all, I'd say we were all pretty pleased that he showed up, though, and he promises it won't be another six months between visits.
Hmmmm...time shall tell...

Forgot to mention something about the closing moments of last week's show: Jeffie felt he needed a little reminder of what exactly God's message for the Onslaught was, so he asked if I had any more of those mushrooms. At first I told him that he'd already eaten them all, but it turned out that there were a handful or so left, which he immediately ate in the closing moments.
Well, once he showed up for this week's fun, we asked him how it all went. He knew of two things:
A. He'd been told that Lance would show up. Ummmm, yeah, easy enough to say after the fact Jeff-ward, try again...
B. He said that he would have to be killed on the show, by me. And then resurrected in the same manner that Josh had been. Seems Josh was just a test subject, to see if the process would work.

So, next week, I get to kill Jeffie and then give him the "Resurrection Bath"! Of course, I'm pretty eager to take part in my first "Jeffie Death", so I'm gonna take some time to decide exactly how I'm going to do this. I'll try to make it as memorable as possible!

We also had another edition of Jeffie's new talk show, "Long And Deep With Jeffie: Banging It In And Filling It Up All Night, Now With No Llamas", with Lance as his first guest.
Attempts at getting any insight into Lance's whereabouts over the recent months proved to be mostly fruitless, with Lance mostly commenting on just how much of an idiot Jeffie is. Really, the most that was revealed had something to do with taking a Red Rocket to Uranus, and I really don't think most folks wanna hear about that...

Oh, and how could I forget! My brother Bill was on hand again to hang with us, and we'd brought our own little special guest. Seriously, one man's trash is another's treasure, and as soon as Bill and I saw that life-sized plushie of Animal from The Muppet Show at a local yard sale, we immediately knew there'd be a place for him in conjunction with the show! We'll be bringin' him back for some fun, guaranteed! In the meantime, you'll see him in this week's photos once they're posted!

Yep, that pretty much covers the major bases, I'd say. Although, I would like to mention that no hedgehogs were actually harmed on the show that night. Hey, it's not OUR fault that some toy maker decided to make a hedgehog finger puppet, with the finger hole directly where the poor hedgehogs bunghole would be!
It WAS funny as hell, though!


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