February 13 - Jeffie and Wulfie Sing

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Recap by The Metal Wulf; Well, originally this week was to feature UWF's Giovanni and Jay Flyer, but things kinda fell through with that, so hopefully they'll be joining us on the next show. Hey, things happen, can't really hold it against 'em!

Anyhoo, still had a good time, as we kicked the show off with roughly 25 minutes of Helloween. In addition to the usual show opener, "Heavy Metal Is The Law", Joe played "The Keeper's Trilogy" from their new "Unarmed" disc, which is a 25th Anniversary Best Of collection, featuring re-recorded alternate versions of some of their classics. Not only does "The Keeper's Trilogy" feature a full orchestra, the disc also has an acoustic version of "Future World" as well as a somewhat puzzling jazz rendition of "Dr. Stein". Well, I guess they can't ALL be winners, but I'd say this is probably going to find it's way into my collection somewhere down the road.

I thought it was a pretty damned cool way to kick the show off, so what the hell!

We did get a visit from a special UWF fan, who has been known to us primarily as "Ryot's Mom". If you've been to the local shows, you know who I mean. Unless, of course, you're deaf and can't hear her bellowing "RYOOOOT!!!" above the rest of the crowd...

Seriously, though, she's a sweet enough lady whose real name is Liz. She seemed a little evasive and hesitant when questioned as to whether she really is Ryot's mom, although she did assure us that they do share the same blood.

Awww, hell, family is family, good enough for me! She's even going to look into the possibilities of having Ryot drop in on the show with her some night, which I can pretty much say we'd be all for!

One point of amusement came along during the concert listings segment. Liz had been laughing over the names of some of the bands, which, in some cases, I can fully understand. She claimed to be more of a "Partridge Family" girl, prompting yours truly to once again break out into song, probably sounding better than David Cassidy ever dreamed of...

...or not...

Looks like she'll be joining us again next week in hopes of busting on Giovanni. Seriously, if this happens, it's probably going to be gut-bustingly hilarious, if their interaction at the last UWF show was any indication!

Jeffie forgot to bring his musical instruments along, and I'd forgotten to message him a reminder, so our little jam session will have to wait. We DID, however, throw together a little prelude. We found an empty bottle from the water cooler that suited my drumming needs, so with me tapping out a somewhat tribal rhythm and Jeffie quoting from a random lyrics generator, we pulled something out of our figurative hats which received a suitable amount of groaning. I'd say it was worth a chuckle! Now we just have to remember to prepare for the real deal when Jeffie comes back in two weeks!

February 6 - Jeffie Returns

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Recap by The Metal Wulf; Focused on some new music last night, particularly the latest releases from Overkill and Fear Factory, both of which are flat-out amazing pieces of work. Absolutely KILLER!

Joe also played a fun cover of Phil Collins' "I Don't Care Anymore" by a band called Angry Chiwawa. Funny how things sometimes get interpreted literally, as a little yapping ankle-biter somehow made its' way into the studio...

Really, I had nothin' to do with it...I swear!

Joe actually surprised the hell out of me. Seems he's adopted a sort of "If you can't beat them, join them" attitude regarding my random song outbursts. He actually went out of his way to encourage me to start singing things, which kinda put me on the spot. It just seems to go better when it's spontaneous. Still, I managed to spout out a couple of snippets here and there. Just can't seem to remember any of them at the moment...

Gettin' old, losin' the memory, not good...

Speaking of getting old, at one point I'd mentioned an old Seventies comedy track by the name of "Mr. Jaws". Nobody knew what the heck I was talking about, which was kinda surprising 'cuz Joe really isn't that much younger than me. I mean, Josh and Rick I can kinda understand, with them being younger, but I thought for sure Joe would remember it!

Jeffie arrived, and he seemed pretty excited about my singing throughout the evening. Hey, at least someone appreciates it! We even sang parts of the concert listings during that portion of the show, bringing further groans from the rest of the crew.

Funny thing about the concert listings. Jeffie had mentioned a band called Polterchrist, and for some reason my brain processed it as Poultrychrist, giving me an image of Jesus as a chicken...

From there, Foul Mouth Girl, during a rare stint of actually talking on the air, sketched out a little crucified chicken, surrounded by barbecue flames. That just struck me as so amusing that I had to mention it as a possible tattoo idea. What's even funnier is that by the end of the night, I was seriously considering using that as a future tattoo idea. Nobody in the world outside of the radio show would understand it, but then I don't necessarily plan on getting it where everybody's going to see it!

Josh surprised the hell out of us last night with a very bold showing as he stood up to Jeffie. Since FMG was using Josh's mic and headphones, he was only getting half of the conversation. Jeffie had referred to Mean Mike, who should be joining us next week, as a coward, and Josh immediately jumped up and started laying on the Air Fu, thinking that he was the one being referred to. Literally, Josh's face was red as a beet, and he was fired up like I'd never seen before!

Hmmmm, maybe that Way of The Ultimate Jeffie training unlocked something in Josh's head. Could be seeing some interesting developments in coming weeks!

Speaking of interesting developments, Jeffie likes my singing so much that next week he's bringing up a small assortment of instruments, and we plan on having a little concert, with me on bongos!

THIS is going to be a meeting of the minds!

January 30 - Wulfie Sings...

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Recap by The Metal Wulf: Well, due to illness and injury we were short on Jeffie and Mean Mike respectively. Hope Mike's feelin' okay and can perform at the Ultimate Wrestling show in Phelps tonight!

Jeffie? Awww, he'll be fine...

Froze our asses off last night, even sitting behind the mics inside the studio. I think it may have been all of 4 degrees outside, and the snow just kept fallin'. Comparisons to Norway were made, but I'm thinkin' it was more like Siberia! Brrrrrrr....

After behaving myself a little more last week, I had a couple of random "breaking into song" moments, even going so far as doing the theme to "The Love Boat". Oddly enough, I balked at the theme to "Cheers". What can I say, I was never that big a fan of Ted Danson. Of course, this all led to further threats to cut my mic.

On top of that, I think I'm starting to be a bad influence on Josh. Joe had played an awesome cover of Judas Priest's "Exciter" (the actual band's name escapes me at the moment, but it WAS a killer cover!), and Josh and I just couldn't stop singing "STAND UP FOR EXCITER!!!"

I'm a bad, bad Wulfie...

Not much else really stands out from last night, although we did spend a good portion of the evening lamenting the fact that Josh will be leaving us in August. He'll be heading off to get his Masters, so we tossed around some ideas for possible replacements. Ultimately, we narrowed it down to Tony Iommi, Richie Blackmore, or that cute red-head who played keyboards for Abigail Williams before hooking up with Cradle Of Filth (I can't remember her name, dammit!!!). There were some others mentioned as well, but I think we'll have our hands full as it is. Something tells me we'll be finding someone a little more local. Ahhh, so much for pipe dreams...

Hell, we've still got about seven months. In the meantime, we'll just enjoy Josh's company while it lasts. I think everybody on the show brings a little something special to the table, and Josh is no exception in his own slightly dorky way. We're gonna miss him when the time comes!
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