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Recap by The Metal Wulf: Well, due to illness and injury we were short on Jeffie and Mean Mike respectively. Hope Mike's feelin' okay and can perform at the Ultimate Wrestling show in Phelps tonight!
Jeffie? Awww, he'll be fine...
Froze our asses off last night, even sitting behind the mics inside the studio. I think it may have been all of 4 degrees outside, and the snow just kept fallin'. Comparisons to Norway were made, but I'm thinkin' it was more like Siberia! Brrrrrrr....
After behaving myself a little more last week, I had a couple of random "breaking into song" moments, even going so far as doing the theme to "The Love Boat". Oddly enough, I balked at the theme to "Cheers". What can I say, I was never that big a fan of Ted Danson. Of course, this all led to further threats to cut my mic.
On top of that, I think I'm starting to be a bad influence on Josh. Joe had played an awesome cover of Judas Priest's "Exciter" (the actual band's name escapes me at the moment, but it WAS a killer cover!), and Josh and I just couldn't stop singing "STAND UP FOR EXCITER!!!"
I'm a bad, bad Wulfie...
Not much else really stands out from last night, although we did spend a good portion of the evening lamenting the fact that Josh will be leaving us in August. He'll be heading off to get his Masters, so we tossed around some ideas for possible replacements. Ultimately, we narrowed it down to Tony Iommi, Richie Blackmore, or that cute red-head who played keyboards for Abigail Williams before hooking up with Cradle Of Filth (I can't remember her name, dammit!!!). There were some others mentioned as well, but I think we'll have our hands full as it is. Something tells me we'll be finding someone a little more local. Ahhh, so much for pipe dreams...
Hell, we've still got about seven months. In the meantime, we'll just enjoy Josh's company while it lasts. I think everybody on the show brings a little something special to the table, and Josh is no exception in his own slightly dorky way. We're gonna miss him when the time comes!
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