Recap by The Metal Wulf - Business as usual last night, meaning of course a lot of random craziness.
Actually ended the evening with a couple of surprise visitors. They'd called from Elmira at roughly 11:15 and said they'd be there in about an hour.
More on them later!
Pretty laid back in the early going, Joe had actually confessed that he didn't really feel like talking, which has its benefits, to be honest. Just that much more time to play some good music!
Things did pick up, though, once Jeffie arrived with Psyche Corporation's Genevieve. It was an utter pleasure to have her join us again, and we played some of her new material throughout the night. Still can't say enough good things about this lady's voice!
Topics of discussion, hmmmm...
Somewhere along the line, I believe it was Josh who mentioned something about steroid burgers. Can't remember exactly how this subject came up, but the idea of an Anabolic Take-Out Menu made me chuckle a bit. As I said at the time, it would give new meaning to "Super Size Me"...
I ended up revealing a little something I got for Christmas from a friend, a leather collar complete with rhinestones and a big silver bell. It was actually kind of amusing watching Jeffie become entranced by the jingling bell, almost lulling him into a state of quiet bliss where I'd be allowed to attack him at will. It ALMOST worked...
Unfortunately, Jeffie regained his composure and was able to defend himself. In the process, he somehow ended up swallowing the bell, coating it in his saliva...
Somehow this led to Genevieve explaining the merits of zombie saliva in battling Neptunians. Good to know this in the event of any upcoming Zombpocalypse. We'll need to save as much saliva as we can if those Neptunians invade!
Then there was the matter of that little parasitic thing that Jeffie infected me with last week. He assured me that I was perfectly save and that the only thing it was going to do was make my fur sparkly.
As in Twilight sparkly...
Do I need to explain how badly this sat with me?
So yeah, by the end of the night I was getting glittery spots in my fur and at one point even started breathing out glitter...
I think Jeffie's in for a little payback once this paw heals completely, wouldn't you agree?
The capper to the evening came a little over two hours after that afore-mentioned phone call from Elmira. Our guests, who arrived at approximately 1:30 and had driven by the radio station roughly seven times looking for us, were two UWF wrestlers, Jay Flier and Giovanni. They'd dropped by to promote their upcoming show in Phelps next week, and I don't think Giovanni quite knew what he was walking into...
Those who are familiar with me and the local UWF shows know that I LOVE to bust on Giovanni's balls when I go to an event. There's just something about the little guy that screams "Heckle Me!" In reality, despite his being a heel, Giovanni's actually a pretty cool guy and we enjoyed the short amount of time we had with him on the show. Gotta get him and Jay back again when they can hang with us longer. At least then they'll have a better idea of what to expect!