March 6 - Return of the Angry Amish

Listen to the Show - Pictures - Video Recap

Recap by The Metal Wulf: Kicked off the early portion of the evening with a visit from Jason The Angry Amish, a previous guest who I'd had yet to meet. He didn't seem overly intimidated by having a werewolf in the room, so I'd say the night was off to a pretty damned good start! Oddly enough, he didn't seem overly angry, either. Must have caught him in a good mood!

As it turned out, Jason explained that he could no longer be considered Amish, as he'd apparently embraced technology by purchasing a Nintendo Wii. He regaled us with tales of some of his favorite Wii gaming experiences, like Wii House Building, Wii Cow Milking, etc. ...
Man, it seems like they'll put anything into video games these days!

Had to pat myself on the back a little bit in the early going. Seriously, I need to take major credit. Despite flying high on a HUGE caffeine and sugar rush, I was able to resist the urge to break into song for over TWO HOURS!!!
Strangely enough, Jason seemed intrigued about the idea of me singing, which was a little awkward. I find it difficult to sing on demand for some reason, but if somebody blurts something out that happens to make a mental connection with a song, I'm right on top of it.
Funny how that works...
In the long run, though, I think Joe was relieved by the lack of Wulfie vocals.
Oh well, at least Jeffie still likes my singing!

Speaking of Jeffie, he was presented with his first official beat-down of 2010.
It was pretty much inevitable. I mean, within minutes of arriving, he wanted to play one of his favorite games with Jason. Now, usually this would be a round or two of "What's In Jeffie's Pants?", but on this night, Jason was subjected to a couple rounds of "Where Is Jeffie's Finger Going?"
The beatdown commenced shortly thereafter....
As evidence of my successful recovery from foot surgery, I was able to get a couple of shots on him. Felt good to be actively taking part in some of the physical aspects of the show again! So, yeah, Jeffie found himself on the receiving end of a few pairs of feet, as well as a Camel Clutch, courtesy of Joe. Jason even showed a little MMA-style technique, getting Jeffie into a Rear Naked Choke Hold.
Hmmmm...never noticed before, but that sounds just a tad obscene...
You'll all be able to view this fun in the coming weeks, as this segment was recorded for posterity!

All in all, a good night, and next week should be one to look forward to as well. Roller Derby season is gradually approaching, and it looks like we might finally have some of Roc City Roller Derby's ladies dropping in for an off-season visit. Here's to hopin'!

February 27 - Banana's in their pants...

Listen to the Show

Recap by The Metal Wulf: Topics of conversation drifted about, as they tend to do, but randomness is a big part of why I enjoy hanging on the show!

Let's see...the appearance of KISS on Extreme Makeover came up, as did a viewing of an old Nuclear Assault video on my part. At the time I couldn't remember the name of the vid, but I mentioned how I found it amusing that Jessica Hahn made an appearance. Further discussion arose of certain body alterations Hahn had gone through since her days of playin' footsie with Jim Bakker. Particularly of how she went from being simply "buoyant" to utterly (or should that be "udder"-ly "unsinkable". (Don't think about it too hard, not that difficult to piece together!)
Oh, and for the record, after taking a peek on good ol' YouTube, I was reminded that the above-mentioned video was for the song "Critical Mass", so if ya wanna take a peek and appreciate Jessica's...ummmmmmm...uns
inkableness...feel free to do so! Besides, it's a pretty cool song!

Jeffie arrived with some instruments in hand, so instead of getting to beat on a big water bottle this week, I had access to a set of nifty bongos. Closest thing I've come to actually playing real drums not to think about that...
Jeffie and I played a fun rendition of his song, "Bananas In My Pants". Jeffie actually referred to it as a "moving" rendition, with Rick replying that it was moving the contents of his stomach into vomit mode. Joe remarked that it was more like another kind of movement...
Jeffie seems to want this to move on to bigger and better things, like a "Jeffie and Wulfie Variety Hour", which could be fun, except I'm pretty sure the last time there was a Variety Hour, people got slightly injured.
Or, maybe not so slightly...
Still, it could be fun and worth more than a few laughs!

I DID get a little nervous at one point when Jeffie mentioned something about the "infection", though. He seemed pretty vague about it, to be honest...
But then, I just have to remember that Jeffie's my friend! He'd NEVER do anything to hurt his old pal Wulfie...

February 20 - Jeffless

Listen to the Show

Recap by The Metal Wulf: No Jeffie tonight, so Joe was excited about being able to talk less and play more music once again!
And it's not like we had a shortage of things to play. Between the four of us, we probably could have done a couple of hours just based on recent acquisitions, and actually discussed some of these purchases for a moment.
Of course, Wulfie's brain gets a little fuzzy after the fact sometimes, so I can't really remember what the other guys had acquired. Sigh...
I'm pretty sure that Joe had picked up some Morbid Angel, and as for me I'd found myself copies of Metal Church's "Blessing In Disguise", Satyricon's "The Age Of Nero", and Overkill's "Ironbound". Also grabbed up a copy of Iron Maiden's "Raising Hell" DVD, as I continue to strive to replace things I previously had on VHS.
But yeah, we took a moment to feature some songs from our recent indulgences, in addition to some great new material from High On Fire. There was also an interesting little a capella rendition of "Master Of Puppets" that was played, from Van Canto. Kinda cool to be honest, just a little different!

In between talk breaks Josh and I somehow got on the subject of hip-hop and agreed that someone needed to raise Redd Foxx from the dead to record a rap album. Seriously, that guy could out-dirty anybody on the current (c)rap scene. We even mentioned this during the next talk break, as I mentioned setting up some black candles and drawing out a pentagram so we could speak with the departed spirit of Redd.
In retrospect, it seemed like we were aiming a little too low, though. I mean, why pursue that course of action when we could talk to the spirits of departed metal Gods, like Randy Rhoads or Dimebag Darryl? for thought for a future show? Anybody got a Ouija board?
Juuuuuust kidding!

As the night wore on, we were starting to think that our potential guests for the evening weren't going to show, but shortly before 1 a.m. UWF's Giovanni and Jay Flyier showed up, so we got to spend a few talk breaks discussing last months Phelps show, not to mention next week's upcoming show. Cool to have them on hand, and we may just see them again on the next show. For the record, that next show is on February 27, and is once again at the Phelps Community Center. It's a great time, if you're of a mind to check it out!
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