October 30, 2010 - Halloween

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Recap by The Metal Wulf; I'd been looking forward to this show, especially when you consider I missed out on last year due to my foot surgery. Yep, celebrating Halloween on the Onslaught was a great way to kick off what would be a full weekend of fun!

Rick had brought an old friend by the name of Will along, and he definitely seemed to fit in with the rest of the crew, especially when it came time to beat on Jeffie at the end of the show! Turns out that he's done radio before, in the Buffalo area. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of him!

Jeffie seemed a little confused when he arrived. Being in costume for this show, I was foregoing my wolf form, and Jeffie kept thinking I was Josh, and also thinking Josh was me. Yeah, it got a little annoying trying to keep him straight, but it would get worse before the night was over!

So, it seems that Jeffie's got an alternate personality called Pepe that he was embracing for the evening. So, he comes out in a Mexican bandito outfit, complete with a sombrero, a wool poncho, and maracas...Gotta say, that poncho was more than just a little on the itchy side, as Bill and I both got our heads wrapped up in it. Of course, then Jeffie had to try dressing me up as Pepe.This didn't go over too well to begin with, since I was already pretty satisfied with my zombie-demon (demon-zombie? Hmmmm...) get-up. But, before you could say "South Of The Border", I had the sombrero, the poncho, the sunglasses, and even the maracas.I tried to make the most of it, though, right up to the point where Jeffie used his bandanna to dose me with chloroform...I don't remember much after that, just that I was starting to come back to my senses and was still pretty groggy when something utterly unthinkable happened. Apparently Jeffie was pretty sure he'd killed me, and Joe had told him to give me mouth-to-mouth.Now, imagine my shock when Jeffie's tongue made it's way down my esophagus! Yep, I was pretty outraged, I must say. I even tried strangling him with his own poncho once he was finished with concert listings.

The night pretty much spiraled down from there, ending with Will and I beating on Jeffie, and Jeffie clutching Bill's leg and being dragged about the studio.

So, in retrospect, I've gotta say I'm still pretty mortified by the whole "mouth-to-mouth" thing. This whole I-Dosing thing has obviously only made Jeffie worse, and in the interest of getting away from him permanently, as of this weekend, I'M LEAVING THE METALLIC ONSLAUGHT! That's right, I can't go back there, Jeffie wins, they can have him. I'm hooking up with The Last Exit For The Lost starting this Saturday night!

Really, it can't possibly be any worse than hanging with Jeffie!


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