August 14, 2010 - Jeffie Goes Nuts

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Recap by The Metal Wulf; Focused a lot on music, as Joe played a few tracks from the Murderdolls latest disc, "Women And Children Last", as well as "The Order Of The Black", from Black Label Society.Both of these discs are already among my favorites for the year, needless to say.
As far as the usual insanity went, Billiam pretty much received his official initiation to the show, as he was the subject of some Jeffie abuse.Can't remember if I've ever mentioned these pants that Bill has had for awhile. Think of the most ridiculously flared bell bottom jeans you've ever seen, then add about ten inches in diameter. There's a reason we refer to them as the "Holy Shit Pants", I assure you...Well, Jeffie decided to try sticking his head as far up Bill's pant leg as it would go, and he made it a pretty good distance. Amazingly enough, Bill managed to handle the experience with a surprising lack of hysterics.Of course, that wasn't all. Bill's new Droid-X became the subject of a game of "Guess What's In Jeffie's Pants", as did a Jester's cap that he's fond of wearing for offbeat occasions. I think his car keys may have been involved at some point as well.Poor Bill, it was bound to happen eventually! Of course, things just deteriorated from there. Got to be a bit of a mess, actually, as cases of CD's were upturned over Jeffie's head, and a Frisbee was broken over his head...Honestly, I didn't mean to break the poor Frisbee! I didn't think I'd hit him that hard, I swear!!!!Somewhere in all the chaos, I ended up nipping Jeffie. I don't think it was a full-fledged bite, but things got our of hand. He seemed to think he was going to become a werewolf, and eventually he put on this really cheap-looking vinyl wolf mask.I mean, really, it looked like something you'd buy at the zoo...Well, we called his bluff soon enough, and further carnage ensued.All has been recorded for posterity, so keep your eyes open for the impending video footage. I have a feeling it's gonna be worth more than a few chuckles!


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