Recap by The Metal Wulf; I think we experienced some kind of record in the early portion of the show, as Jeffie joined us at approximately 9:15 p.m. My GOD! He's NEVER that early! What the hell?
Then he explained that he was just showing up late from last week, which kind of ruined our moment, damn him!
Anyhoo, it wasn't much later that we were joined by Steve Papagiorgio. Surprisingly enough, he and I didn't attempt to kill each other for THE ENTIRE NIGHT!!!
That's gotta be another kind of record! Man, we're on a roll, lately!
Of course, it also could have had something to do with the fact that we had a band in the studio that night, as well. Amelia Is Dead, from Syracuse, were kind enough to join us for a couple of hours.
What can I say about Amelia Is Dead? Sound-wise, think of a hybrid of Flyleaf (with heavier guitars), Otep, and Kittie. At least those are bands that come to my mind when I hear them.
I actually caught their performance at the Women's Right To Rock Festival in Seneca Falls roughly three weeks ago, and I loved the live show. Definitely some high energy and aggressiveness from the boys in the band, and vocalist Stephanie Smile has got a scream that will pretty well curdle your brains after she pierces your eardrums.
They also recently got to perform at the Darien Lake stop of the Van's Warped Tour, which I believe is the biggest show they've played so far. I think it's safe to say that there's loads of potential there, and I wouldn't be surprised to see bigger and better shows in their future.
All in all, had a damned good time hanging with them, and I believe we'll be seeing more of them in the coming months, quite possibly with an acoustic performance in the studio! Something to look forward to!
So, I don't remember much of what happened after the band left.
Truth is, I was kept muzzled throughout the evening, particularly while Amelia Is Dead were visiting. I'm assuming this had to do with the fact that I was still seeing tentacles. Part of me wants to take comfort in the fact that Jeffie and even Steve could see them, which tells me that maybe I'm really NOT going crazy!
Of course, Steve says he was seeing tentacles AND testicles, so I don't even want to fucking speculate as to what's up with that shit...
Anyway, I was able to slip the muzzle off once or twice, thankfully. Damned thing was uncomfortable as hell, truth be told. Don't even fully understand why they felt the need for it, I suppose they felt I might embarrass them in front of the band or something...
But, as I was saying, it was after the band left that things get blurry. All I remember is waking up in the basement of the studio and Bill helping me out shortly thereafter. Good thing he showed up, too, or he may not have gotten me to my 25-year class reunion in time!
Got the story from Bill in the meantime, though, and it seems that I just went completely bat-fuck insane during a music break. I guess I was screaming "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!", over and over, and attacking the walls, not to mention beating the utter shit out of Animal, who we'd had propped up in a safe place while the band was there. I guess this prompted Joe to lure me into the basement, and lock me in there until I calmed down.
All I can say is I hope I didn't damage Animal too badly, and I hope Joe's not gonna be too pissed that Bill broke me out again!
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