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Recap by The Metal Wulf: Well, we weren't sure if we were ever going to pull it off, but we managed to get some of the Roc City Roller Derby girls to drop in for an off-season visit.
Wasn't that long ago that they held what they call Fresh Meat Clinics, basically a series of try-outs for new girls to join the team. So, in addition to the return of Karma-Lized and Cuss Muffin, we had two of the new girls on hand as well: Bionic Bombshell and Mystery Meat!
Seriously, ya gotta love those derby names!
Speaking of which, those of us who are on the show regularly recalled the derby names we chose during one of their previous visits back in August. I had chosen WarWulf at the time, and Rick had gone with Rick N' Roll. I honestly can't remember what Josh had picked, although the name had come up in the discussion...
Joe couldn't remember his at all, and neither could the rest of us. This led to a discussion of whether Joe should pick a new derby name, and somehow I don't think we determined one...
Discussion came up concerning Joe wanting to take a turn tossing shirts to the crowd at one of the upcoming events once the new season gets under way, which actually sounds like a lot of fun.
From there, we discussed other options of things to throw to the crowd, taking into consideration some of the local sponsors. Cuss Muffin seemed to think that throwing Zweigles Hot Dogs to the crowd would be a pretty cool idea, which melded into a slightly different conversation altogether.
Let's just say the idea went from Weiner Tossing, to Salad Tossing, to Teabag Tossing...
It doesn't take that much of a sick mind to run with that, now does it?
Of course, my suggestion was Back Wax, something that may confuse those who aren't familiar with some of Anvil's more recent material. I'd prefer not to elaborate, really...
Eventually Karma and the new girls took their leave, but Cuss Muffin stuck with us almost to the end of the show. Cool by us, she's a fun lady to have on board!
Here's where things get hazy for me...
Jeffie arrived with FMG, and to be honest, the only thing I remember from the later segments of the show are further discussions of the "infection" that Jeffie passed onto me. Something about the symptoms making me a happier MetalWulf, explaining why I'm likely to break into song at the drop of a hat...
I'm starting to think there's more to it than that. Maybe another side-effect is the blocking of moments on the show that may be considered embarrasing for Jeffie, keeping me from sharing them in the recap each week!
Seriously, this is killin' me! I KNOW there was some pretty funny stuff discussed after his arrival, and I can't think of a thing!!!
Of course, it could be that in that last couple of hours that lead to 2 a.m. my brain just turns to jelly, affecting my memory retention...
Nah, this is all Jeffie's fault!!!
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